Our first 3D modelling class — — TinkerCAD for beginner course at New York Youth Innovation Club was completed over this past weekend, final project was presented by students, and students received their “certificate of completion”, due to the time restraint, this course was taught in six weeks, it was a pretty successful run, “We were really impressed by this course, my kids really love to create the 3D model building using TinkerCAD, we are glad to have the opportunity for kids to discover it”, quote by Heng, one of the happy parent.
The final group project was based on the “future city” contest, we use 3D modeling to design all of city features, such as hospital, bank, skyscraper, monument, school, apartment building, park, gas station, and put them together on cardboard, become a nice future city theme.
In the end of the course, we made the announcement of the future class, include the up coming “Scratch + mBot” for Jan 2018.
Stay tune, we will have the course report later.
The original post was posted at Sep 28th, 2018
The link of original post: https://medium.com/@youthinnolab/our-first-tinkercad-course-was-completed-ny-youth-innovation-club-4654de797f76