On Sep 10th 2017, 22 club members and some kids gathered at Roslyn Height, NY for its club’s kick start meeting, this is the first meeting after “New York Sino Youth Computer and Innovation Club” reopen to public.
New York Sino Youth Computer and Innovation Club (NY Inno Club) was originally started by couple of parents at 2015, its original goal is to participate a national wide contest, and has two coaches four students, over the years, its student team expanded to over 10 students and its parents come from different state, include NY, NJ, TX, CA, IL and Singapore. And it build its own adviser board, include the professor, professional, and teachers.
At the end of August 2017, David Peng — — the head coach of NY Inno Club decide to reopen the club to public, and build a more local Long Island focused club. Within two weeks, there are more than 40 parents join the club, with more than 80 students in total.
One of the club member sponsored the meeting place, David made the main presenration, talking about the STEAM education, its opportunity and challenge, the club leaders from two of Innovaker’s key club, Jason Wan from Irvin, CA, Grace Cai from Detroit, MI, remotely join the meeting, made the quick introduction of how they run their local club and organization.
David’s presentation includes five parts, the STEAM education, its opportunity & challenge, introduction of key INNOVAKER club and what is INNOVAKER, why we choose Python and Raspberry PI, course demonstration, what is the key benefit of join the club & call for teachers and coaches. After him presentation, the group discussion continued for another 40 minutes to discuss the possible club operation method.
New York Sino Youth Computer and Innovation Club, was backed by Youth Innovation Lab, and was key member of the national wide STEAM education coalition — — INNOVAKER. With the help from other Innovaker club and coaches, it initially launched three classes in this fall (2017), and will keep pace with Innovaker’s future curriculum, start more intermediate and advanced class in the winter and coming 2018.
More details about the 2017 course offered by NY Inno Club, please join Innovaker and add into NY inno club, you can find the link for the course details (member only link).
Together, we make the bright future for next generation.
The original post was posted Sep 29th, 2017
The link of original post: https://medium.com/@youthinnolab/new-york-sino-youth-computer-and-innovation-club-first-meeting-7d39563f3f1f